
This blog is about ABPF (Brazilian Association of Railroad Preservation) Sul de Minas Chapter operations. The Sul de Minas chapter operates two trains in two distinct cities.

ABPF is a non-profit civil organization of cultural and educative purposes, which is recognized as OSCIP – Social Organization of Public Interest by the Brazilian Government (published no D.O.U. of 24 of December of 2004). Our mission is to promote the rescue, restoration and conservation of the Brazilian railroad heritage (tracks, locomotives, cars, historical documents, etc…), and making it available to public visitation.

The Trem da Serra da Mantiqueira (Mantiqueira Mountains Train), a touristic train that runs from Passa Quatro MG to the line summit, in the state border, where there is a 1 km tunnel constructed in 1885, an major achievement for the time for Brazil.

The second train, called Trem das Águas (Water Train) runs in the touristic city of São Lourenço going to Soledade de Minas MG, a small city 10km from São Lourenço.

Both trains operates with steam locomotoives and wood cars original from Brazil railways. We have locomotives constructed in England, United States and German.

This blog is mainly in Portuguese and currently does not support multilingual posting. The only solution that we can offer now is a translate link using Google Translate: Translate this blog.

We know that this is far from being a good solution, but to help alleviate this problem, feel free to contact us (in English) using our official email for any questions or problems:

English comments are also welcome and will be replied in English.


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